KiVa – Let’s stop bullying together!
What is the KiVa program?
KiVa Antibullying Program has been developed at the University of Turku (Finland). The program is based on decades of extensive research, and its effectiveness is scientifically proven. KiVa offers a wide range of concrete tools and materials for schools to tackle bullying.
How does KiVa work?
The goal of KiVa is to prevent bullying and to tackle the cases of bullying effectively. KiVa is based on three main elements:
- Prevention: to keep bullying from happening
- Intervention: tools to tackle bullying
- Annual monitoring: feedback
Implementing the program
KiVa schools follow a specific procedure in prevention and intervention. KiVa means…
- antibullying lessons for targeted grades, fun activities for students, learning by doing, concentrating in group formation
- engaging the whole school in antibullying work, raising awareness on bullying and its consequences
- informing students, parents and the whole school community
- clear intervention model when bullying emerges
- training for personnel
- annual surveys to keep track of the school’s situation and results
The preventive lessons at our school take place during dedicated homeroom periods. For each grade level, there are 10 lessons designed, appropriate for the age group of the given class. For example, for ages 10-11, the topics include: Respect is Everyone’s Business, How to Recognize Bullying, Hidden Forms of Bullying, Responsibility in the Online Space, The Consequences of Bullying, The Role of the Group in Bullying, Ways to defend myself, KiVa school, let’s create it together.
We implemented the KiVa program in October 2023. Thanks to KiVa, a trained team can respond immediately and sensitively.
We are here for you! Do not hesitate to contact us at any time! Write to us at:
You can find more information about the program on the official website: