A word from the Head of School

EFIB (École Française Internationale de Bratislava), a member of the AEFE network (Agence pour l’Enseignement du Français à l’Etranger) established nearly 20 years ago, offers all students, regardless of their nationality, the opportunity to receive a quality education accredited by the French Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports. This education is also integrated into the Slovak context through accreditation by the Slovak Ministry of Education, which encourages the learning of the host country’s language and history.

Mastery of modern languages is a key strength of our institution. The English language learning continues through middle and high school, with opportunities to learn Spanish and German. This multilingual approach, within a personalized language curriculum, prepares our students for international higher education and excellence.

Our institution aims to create an environment that enables each child to fully develop their potential and to bring out the best in themselves. Therefore, our goal is to develop or acquire knowledge, skills, and abilities that contribute to the personal growth and academic success of our students.

The institution promotes commitment and autonomy to foster responsible citizens who embody values of tolerance, open-mindedness, and humanism. From this perspective, the institution’s affiliation with the AEFE network is a source of numerous projects in which our students can participate (AEFE DNA School Exchanges, French Schools of the World Seminar…).

The steady enrollment growth is evidence of the commitment and professionalism of our staff. This academic year, we are proud to welcome nearly 350 students to our school. We wish all students a year filled with learning opportunities, in an environment that we will ensure is as serene as possible.



“Our institution aims to create an environment that allows each child to fully develop their potential and to bring out the best in themselves.”