Green light for open schools – basic rules :
– the obligation to wear a facemask no longer applies,
– isolation after a positive test (PCR, LAMP, Ag, PoC, home self-test) is ordered by a doctor,
– the isolation period lasts for 5 days,
– a doctor decides if isolation should be extented in case symptoms persist,
– it is compulsory to wear an FFP2 facemask for 5 days after the end of the isolation period in the school premises (a surgical mask is sufficient for children in school),
– the obligation to quarantine a person after a close contact shall be decided by a doctor,
– it is compulsory to wear an FFP2 facemask for 5 days after the end of the isolation period in the school premises (a surgical mask is sufficient for children in school),
– the obligation to quarantine a person after a close contact shall be decided by a doctor,
– after each interruption of the student’s attendance for 5 or more consecutive school days (weekends and holidays are not counted), the parent submits a “Written declaration of absence of symptoms” (Déclaration écrite d’absence de symptômes).