Road safety education promotes the progressive acquisition of responsible behaviour in the road environment throughout the school curriculum.
This cross-curricular teaching is integrated into the timetable and syllabus and contributes to the validation of the core curriculum..
Its objective is to make young road users aware of their responsibilities, whether they are pedestrians, cyclists, moped riders, or passengers.
There are two assessments in Middle school :
- ASSR1 in 5ème : mandatory to register in France for the practical training of the BSR (road safety certificate) mandatory to drive a moped or a light motor quadricycle from 14 years old.
- ASSR2 in 3ème : allows the issuing of the driving license in France and can replace the ASSR1 for the BSR.
The tests are taken during the second semester.
The certificate is awarded to students who have obtained at least 10/20 on the test.
The ASSR1 and 2 must be kept by the student and his/her family.

The Digital Competence Reference Framework (DCRF) aims to facilitate the mobility of pupils and students in Europe.
It is organized into five areas and sixteen competencies :
- Information and data : conduct information research and monitoring; manage data; process data.
- Communication and collaboration : interact; share and publish; collaborate; fit into the digital world.
- Content creation : develop text documents; develop multimedia documents; adapt documents to their purpose; program.
- Protection and security : secure the digital environment; protect personal data and privacy; protect health, welfare, and the environment.
- Digital environment : solve technical problems, operate in a digital environment.
The CRCN is valid from Elementary school to university.
Out of 8 levels of proficiency, the school can validate the first 5 levels of proficiency.
The digital training takes place within the framework of the disciplinary teaching in connection with the syllabus and the common curriculum.
From the 5ème, each student has an account on the Pix platform , which follows him/her throughout his/her schooling.
They gradually build their digital skills profile and prepare for certification.
Since the beginning of the school year in 2021, Pix certification has been compulsory for students in 3ème in Middle school and Terminale in High school.
The Pix certification attests to a digital skills profile recognized by the French government and the professional world.
It is an asset in the search for an internship and in the placement of the student towards higher education.
Its 3-year validity takes into account the evolution of digital technology.