Fresh heads (Čerstvé hlavičky)

Dear parents, dear teachers and school employees,

In order to assure that our pupils have a healthier eating and vitamin intake, this year our school takes part in the “Fresh Heads” competition organised and financed by Kaufland. All winning schools and nurseries will receive a prize from Kaufland in the form of the opportunity to receive fruit or vegetables once a week throughout the 2023/2024 school year.

In order to win, EFIB has to get the highest number of votes among schools that fall under the respective partner store – in our case the Kaufland store in Petržalka. In order to make the competition fair, the voting will use a coefficient taking into account the number of pupils in the school and the number of possible votes received.

We will therefore need your help and support to vote for our school every day (once per nursery and once per school) throughout the voting period that will take place from 20 april 2023 until 30 may 2023 on the website

  • Visitors who choose to participate in the voting will register on and will select a school on their first visit: „Súkromná spojená škola francúzsko- slovenská (École français internationale) M. C. Sklodowskej 1. Bratislava“.
  • The visitor will then be asked to enter a phone number on the site, to which a verification SMS with a generated code will be sent. After entering the correct code from the SMS, the registration will be completed.
  • Once registration is complete, a vote is attributed to the school or nursery that the visitor selected before registration began. On subsequent visits to the site, all you have to do is log in and vote by clicking “submit vote”.
  • The submitted vote is immediately added to the school or nursery and recalculated by a coefficient. The order will be adjusted on the page in real time.
  • It is possible to vote a maximum of 2 times per day, either by voting once for the school and once for the nursery, or by allocating both votes to one of them.


Don’t forget to tell your whole family, grandparents, older siblings, aunts, uncles, as well as your colleagues, neighbours, friends and anyone else who could support our school in this project and ensure that our children have a regular supply of fruit and vegetables in the school environment too!

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.