The French International School of Bratislava is an inclusive school offering a quality education for students from Kindergarten to High school taking their singularities and their special educational needs into account.
Our school receives with kindness students who :
- undergo long-term medical treatments,
- have learning difficulties which are not related to a learning disorder,
- are not francophone,
- are intellectually precocious or high potential (and identified as such by a professional),
- have learning difficulties which are related to one or more professionally diagnosed learning disorder(s),
- have a disability.
Our school believes these students need special attention from teachers and education assistants. EFIB supports them throughout their entire schooling.
Arrangements and adaptation measures recommended by the French Ministry of Education are implemented in class.
Such arrangements are also implemented during DNB and Baccalauréat exams based on a request from the family and notification of the Strasbourg rectorate.

What plan? For whom?