Baccalauréat exam

The Baccalauréat, the first academic degree in France, is the diploma that validates the end of High school education and opens access to higher education.

The Baccalauréat takes into account :

  • Continuous assessment in the terminal cycle (Première and Terminale years) – which counts for 40% of the final grade. It evaluates the required courses that are not subject to a test.
  • The results of five examination papers that account for a total of 60% of the final grade.

Candidates are awarded a diploma based on a final grade representing an average of 10/20 or higher.

They can earn honours :

  • “Assez Bien” (Adequate) : average greater than or equal to 12 and less than 14,
  • “Bien” (Good) : average greater than or equal to 14 and less than 16,
  • “Très Bien” (Very Good) : average higher than or equal to 16 and lower than 18,
  • “Très Bien” (Very Good) with the praise of the jury : average greater than or equal to 18.

The grade obtained and the specialty courses taken in Terminale are shown on the diploma.