The Kindergarten program is that of the French National Education.
It organizes the teaching of the CYCLE OF FIRST LEARNING over three years :
- Petite section : PS – 3rd year of the child
- Moyenne section : MS – 4th year of the child
- Grande section : GS – 5th year of the child
Does your child have from 2 to 3 years? Discover our class for 2-3 year olds.
It addresses five areas of learning :
- mobilizing language in all its dimensions
- act, express themselves, understand through physical activity
- act, express themselves, understand through artistic activities
- build the first tools to structure their thinking
- explore the world

A digital learning tracking notebook Je valide :
- The child participates in his or her evaluation, understands what is expected of him or her and realizes his or her progress.
- Parents are involved through regular and positive communication around their child’s learning and progress.
An individual summary of learning is given to parents at the end of the cycle (GS).
- It formalizes what their child knows how to do at the end of his/her schooling at the nursery school.
- This summary helps to prepare serenely for the entry to CP, the first year of cycle 2, with the child’s future teachers.