Education in cycle 3 (CM1, CM2)

The curriculum of Cycle 3 is the same as that of the French national education system, except for the teaching of Slovak and the reinforcement of the teaching of English.

The teaching of the CONSOLIDATION CYCLE is organized over the last two years of elementary school, the last year being the 6ème class in the collège :

  • Cours Moyen 1st year : CM1 – 9th year of the child
  • Cours Moyen 2nd year : CM2 – 10th year of the child


Mastery of the French and Slovak languages (native speakers), mathematics and learning English remain priority objectives.

In Cycle 3, students discover science and technology, history and geography, and art history.

Numerous projects, often interdisciplinary and shared with other classes of younger or older children, or involving partnerships, are implemented. They allow for a different kind of learning, to give meaning to learning and to develop the talents of all students.

Three individual meetings per school year are organized by the teachers with each family to report on their child’s progress.

The digital school booklet available in the Pronote Primary application reports on the students’ achievements and progress every semester.

Slovak documents with students’ academic results (Vysvedčenie) are also prepared every semester in accordance with Slovak law requirements.


How is the education in cycle 3 (CM1,CM2) conducted?