
Orientation is at the heart of the “Parcours Avenir” from the 6ème to the Terminale.

A time is dedicated to it in High school with personalized support :

  • In the Seconde class, this time allows students to choose specialty courses according to their tastes, desires and study plans.
  • In Première and Terminale classes, this time allows students to refine their plans for higher education.

From self-understanding to knowledge of trades, the professional world and training, students participate in :

  • 3ème/2nde internships to discover the professional world,
  • career forums,
  • guidance weeks,
  • individual interviews,
  • conferences (e.g. Sciences Po director, scientists, top athletes, alumni…)
  • interventions by a Psy EN (guidance counsellor) from the Academy of Strasbourg,
  • orientation webinars in MOOC format,
  • AGORA – Studyrama virtual career fairs…

Students are accompanied by teachers, especially the homeroom teachers and a resource staff in information and orientation (PRIO)  (adjoint@efib.sk)

The CCC offers paper and digital documentation to help students build their career plans.

At the end of High school, students choose to pursue higher education in France or abroad.

Towards higher education in France


To Discuss and Exchange

  • Meet with a guidance counsellor online (10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on workdays) : You will find an entry to chat directly with a guidance specialist. Under the map of France, click on “OTHER COUNTRY”(AUTRE PAYS) then “You are enrolled in an AEFE school” (Vous êtes scolarisés dans un établissement de l’AEFE).
  • AGORA Monde : a collaborative tool based on a dynamic of exchanges between High school students in the AEFE network, who are building their orientation project, and young alumni engaged in their higher education studies.