Admission to the Lycée is by decision of the 3ème class committee for students of EFIB, the network of French schools abroad, or students attending public or private schools in France.
Other students must pass an entrance exam.
The 3-year study program prepares students for both :
- the French Baccalauréat, which is recognized internationally,
- orientation to higher education (France or other countries) in accordance with the personal project of each student.
The 72 hours of personalized support per year are integrated into the schedule of High school students with the following objectives :
- to provide support to students,
- to enable them to deepen their knowledge,
- to accompany them in their career planning.
In Seconde :
- Core subjects are compulsory for all students.
- Students discover economic and social sciences (SES) and numerical and technological sciences.
- Optional courses are available.
Students in Seconde have the opportunity to participate in the ADN AEFE school exchange program.
During the final cycle – Première and Terminale classes :
- The core subjects remain compulsory : French (Première), philosophy (Terminale), languages, history-geography, social studies, science and physical education.
- Specialty courses chosen by each student represent 12 hours per week : 3 specialty courses in Première (4 hours each) of which only 2 will be continued in Terminale (6 hours each).
- Optional courses such as LVC may be continued.
- An additional optional course, in connection with the speciality courses, may be chosen in Terminale.

Each class is accompanied by :
- A homeroom teacher from the cross curricular team,
- A representative from the management team,
- ‘La Vie Scolaire’ (management of absences, lateness, dissemination of information, supervision, homework assistance, communication with families…)
The success rate and honours for the baccalaureate of EFIB’s first candidates in June 2021 was 100% :
- “Assez Bien” (Fair) : 25%,
- “Bien” (Good) : 75%.
How is the education in High school conducted? Education in High school.